[월:] 2022년 09월

‘Has there been such training before?’ Veterflix completes their Fracture Repair Hands-on Course

Medical edu-tech company 3D MediVision’s (CEO Kijin Kim) Veterlix (veterflix.com) hosted a successful veterinary anesthesiology hands-on course with Seoul National University’s Anesthesiology and Pain Management Department previously, and continued the winning streak with a successful fracture repair hands-on course.

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VGTC hosts: Veterinary Anesthesiology Clinical Training Hands-On Course

At Veterflix Global Training Center (VGTC),
a clinical veterinary anesthesiology hands-on course was conducted on May 29 (Sunday).

The veterinary anesthesia hands-on course offers hands-on practice, from understanding basic concepts of veterinary anesthesia to structure and use of inhalational anesthesia, how to use ventilators, ECG, Pulse Oximetry, Artificial Wave, Capnography, Spirometry, sedation, starting anesthesia, intubation, maintaining anesthesia, and evaluating state of anesthetized patient.

VGTC will hold various hands-on courses such as general surgery, orthopedics, radiology, and dentistry.
Please keep an eye out for these events and your participation would be appreciated.

*wet-lab has been conducted with IACUC approval

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VGTC hosts: Fracture Repair Technique Wet-Lab

On July 16~17, VGTC hosted a fracture repair technique hands-on course.

This course was led by Dr. Byoung-jae Kang (Neuro & Ortho) of Seoul National University and the attendees were intern veterinarians as well as chief vets of independent clinics.

From using plates to drills, portable x-rays to lead-less radiation suits, a variety of equipment usage was practiced.

Attendees commented, “We have never had a hands-on course of this quality in South Korea, the level of preparation and quality of education is comparable to that of foreign organizations. I am glad I was able to participate.”

**Wet-lab was conducted with approval from IACUC.

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’Surgery & Ultrasound while simultaneously watching 3D demonstration’ 3D Medivision’s VGTC has opened

3D MediVision, a company that has been supplying online veterinary education content through the service of Veterflix, has expanded its education platform to an offline clinical practice facility.

3D MediVision established “VGTC (Veterflix Global Training Center)” for full-fledged clinical practice training for veterinarians.

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